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In our other devices, provisioning must handle multiple binary files (master.bin, sifs_...bin, sit_...bin, sih_...bin, siu_...bin) in order to get the final URL to config file. As provisioning is changed towards downloading xml files, we have created a new provisioning method in Maxwell 3/Basic.

The Provisioning Server URL can be found in the web-interface under: Settings - System - Provisioning and Configuration

How to configure the provisioning URL:

The provisioning server URL can be provided via the following Methods:

  1. DHCP option 114
  2. SIP Multicast
  3. Gigaset Redirect server
  4. Manually via web-interface

Provisioning files on the server:

When the provisioning is started, the device will contact the server to download the provisioning files.

Provisioning URLAction:Comment
http://<Server URL>/deviceGET /deviceNo retry
 GET /device/provisioning.xmlOne retry if file is not present.
Using placeholders (%MACD, %MACC, %DVID)
http://<Server URL>/device/%MACD.xmlGET /device/<MAC address>.xml%MACD is replaced with the devices LAN MAC address Example: GET /device/7c2f12345678.xml
http://<Server URL>/device/%MACC.xmlGET /device/<MAC address with colons>.xml%MACC is replaced with the devices LAN MAC address with colons: Example: GET /device/7c:2f:12:34:56:78.xml
http://<Server URL>/device/%DVID/%MACD.xmlGET /device/82/1/<MAC address>.xml%DVID is replaced with the devices Device ID, composed by build variant and provisioning ID. Example: GET /device/82/1/7c2f12345678.xml

Provisioning.xml file

The provisioning.xml file must provide additional properties like:

version [YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS]
productID [mx3b]
macAddress [optional]

Tthey will be verified before taking any further actions.
If the macAddress in not specified then the corresponding xml file / entry will be applied to all devices.

titleprovisioning.xml file example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.0" productID="mx3b" macAddress="7c:2f:80:9c:f2:02">

<category type="firmware" url="" />
<category type="nvm" url="/nvm/updates.xml" /> <!-- relative path - use the same server address -->
<category type="custom" url="/custom/updates.xml" /> <!-- relative path - use the same server address -->



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