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Online directories

You can set up up to ten corporate directories in LDAP format for the phone system and make one of them available to the registered handsets.
Use the handset settings to specify which keys are to call up the directory.

Corporate online directory (LDAP)

If you wish to use a company directory on the telephone system, you must activate it on the Web

→ Settings → Online → Corporate

The page lists the available LDAP directories.


The name that you have defined for the directory is displayed, or the default name (LDAP1 - LDAP10). It can be edited.

Server urlIf the directory is configured, the server URL is displayed.

Configuring LDAP directories

Click onnext to the name of the LDAP directory you want to edit and the LDAP configuration page is opened.


Detailed information about LDAP configuration can be found at

Access to the LDAP data server

The directory is provided via an LDAP server. You need the server address, the server port and the access data for the directory that you wish to use.

  • Enter a name in the Directory name field (max. 20 characters). This is the name under which the directory will be displayed on the handsets.
  • Mark the Enable directory option, so that the directory is displayed on the telephones.

Server address / Server port

  • Enter the URL of the LDAP server and the port the LDAP server expects database requests (Default: 389)

LDAP Search base (BaseDN)

  • The LDAP database is hierarchical in design. With the LDAP Search base (BaseDN) parameter, stipulate in which area the search should begin. Default: 0, the search starts at the upper area of the LDAP database.

User access data

If you want to define access data that have to be used by all users:

Enter the access data for the LDAP directory in the Username and Password fields (max. 50 characters each).If you want to use individual access data for each handset, the access data is to be
set during the handset configuration.

Settings for searching the LDAP database and displaying the result

Enable list mode

  • Define what should be initially shown, when the user opens the LDAP directory.
ActivatedA list of all entries of the LDAP directory is shown.
Not activated

An editor is opened first that allows the user to select a specific search area within the LDAP database and thereby to reduce the number of entries.


Using the filters, you can define criteria against which specific entries can be searched in the LDAP database. One filter consists of one or more search criteria. A search criterion contains the query for an LDAP attribute.

Example: sn=%
The sn attribute stands for surname. The percent sign (%) is a place holder for the user entry.

Rules for defining filters:

  • Multiple criteria can be connected using logical AND (&) and/or OR (|) operators.
  • The logical operators "&" and "|" are placed before the search criteria.
  • The search criterion must be placed in brackets and the whole expression must be terminated with a bracket again.
  • AND and OR operations can be combined.


AND operation

(& (givenName=%) (mail=%))

Searches for entries in which the first name and mail address begin with the characters entered by the user.

OR operation

(| (displayName=%) (sn=%))

Searches for entries in which the display name or surname begins with the characters entered by the user.

Combined operation

(|(& (displayName=%) (mail=%))(& (sn=%) (mail=%)))

Searches for entries in which the display name and mail address or the surname and mail address begin with the characters entered by the user.

Name filter

The name filter decides which attribute is used for the search.


(displayName=%). The percent sign (%) is replaced by the name or part of the name entered by the user.
If a user enters the letter "A", for example, all entries in which the attribute displayName begins with "A" are searched for in the LDAP database. If the user then enters a "b", entries are searched in which the displayName begins with "Ab".

Number filter

The number filter stipulates the criteria for the automatic completion of telephone numbers.


(|(telephoneNumber=%)(mobile=%)). The percent sign (%) is then replaced by the part of the telephone number entered by the user.
When dialling, if a user enters the numbers "123", for example, all telephone numbers that begin with "123" are searched for in the LDAP database. The telephone number is completed=with the addition of information from the database.

Additional filters

You can set two additional filters that will be offered to the user in order to specify the search more detailed.

  • In the additional name fields enter the attribute name.
  • In the corresponding value fields enter the attribute values.


Additional filter #1 nameCity
Additional filter #1 value(|(l=%))
Additional filter #2 nameStreet
Additional filter #2 value(|(street=%))

In addition to the fields defined in the Name filter parameter, the City and the Street fields are provided to the user. The user input for City is passed to the LDAP server in the I attribute, the user input for Street is passed in the street attribute.

Display format

In the Display format field you can stipulate how the search result is to be displayed on the handset.

  • Enter combinations of different name and number attributes and special characters. You can select common formats from the attributes that are listed in the Configuration of directory items section of the page.

For the attribute values to be shown for the required attribute, the attribute name must be preceded by a percent sign (%).


Data of an directory entry on the LDAP server:

displayName:Peter Black

Attribute definition in the Web configurator:

Display format%sn, %givenName; %telephoneNumber/%mobile

The entry is shown on the handset as follows:

Black, Peter; 0891234567890/012398765432

Max. number of search results

  • Enter the maximum number of search results that is to be returned by one search operation.


A range of attributes are defined in the LDAP database for a directory entry, e.g. surname, first name, telephone number, address, company, etc. The quantity of all attributes which can be saved in one entry is stored in the relevant LDAP server scheme. In order to be able to access
attributes or define search filters, you must know the attributes and their designation in the LADP server. The majority of attribute designations are standardised, however specific attributes can also be defined.

Image Added

  • For each field of a directory entry that should be displayed on the handsets enter the name of the corresponding LDAP attribute. Multiple attributes can be separated by commas.


Field of a directory entryAttribute name in the LDAP database
First namegivenName
Surnamesn, cn, displayName
Phone (home)homePhone, telephoneNumber
Phone (office)telephoneNumber
Phone (mobile)mobile
Companycompany, o, ou
CityI, postalAddress
CountryfriendlyCountryName, c
Additional attributeuser-defined
  • Mark the check box Additional attribute can be dialed, if an additional attribute is defined and it is a phone number.