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titleProvisioning flow

The N870 auto provisioning flow is described below.



Provisioning URL = URL to a server.

N870 tries to download the file "provisioning.xml"

If the file "provisioning.xml" is not on the server, the N870

will try to download the file "<MAC>.xml", see step 2.

The "provisioning.xml" file contains information about the

location and naming of the next files to be downloaded.


Preferred provisioning method:

Provisioning URL = direct URL to the "<MAC>.xml" file.

This file contains all information about firmware, configuration

and Custom parameters. For this method only one file is

needed and therefore it is the preferred method.


Via the "provisioning.xml" settings, the device will try to

download information about the available firmware and will

provide information where the firmware file can be downloaded

(Step 4). This step is optional and could be skipped if needed.


The "firmware/update.xml" provides the URL of the firmware

file. This step is optional and could be skipped if needed.


Via the "provisioning.xml" settings, the device will try to

download information about the configuration file and will

provide the URL where this file can be downloaded.

(Step 6). This step is optional, but always used as configuration

is always needed.


The "nvm/update.xml" provides the URL of the

configuration file. This file contains all configuration parameters.

This step is optional and could be skipped if needed.


Via the "provisioning.xml" settings, the device will try to

download information about the custom settings file and will

provide the URL where this file can be downloaded.

(Step 8). This step is optional and could be skipped if needed.


The "custom/update.xml" provides the URL of the custom

settings, certificates, ...

This step is optional and could be skipped if needed.
