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Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator


We as Gigaset deliver an factory installed client certificate that can be used to integrate the device into the customer network.

We as Gigaset do not take for the full live-cycle, responsibility for the client certificate security. The factory installed client certificate can be used for onboarding the device in the customer network.

If more security is required, you can create your own client certificate and authorization authority.

The certificate can be updated via auto-provisioning and the web-interface.

Client certificate history:

Device software < 2.57:

Factory installed client certificate that is used for all services:

  • Auto-provisioning
  • Firmware update
  • SIP
  • ...

Device software 2.57

Factory installed client certificate that is used for:

  • Auto-provisioning

2e client certificate with up to date security that is used for:

  • Firmware update
  • SIP
  • ...

Change required due to open SSL upgrade from version 1.1.1 to version 3.0 

New client certificated added with up to date security, the existing factory installed certificate can still be used to no brake auto-provisioning behind existing installations.

Device software 2.59

Factory installed client certificate that is used for:

  • Auto-provisioning
  • Firmware update

2e client certificate with up to date security that is used for:

  • SIP
  • ...

Improvement due to firmware update via auto-provisioning must also use the existing factory installed certificate.

Upcoming software

New client certificate with up to date security that is used for:

  • Auto-provisioning
  • Firmware update

2e client certificate with up to date security that is used for:

  • SIP
  • ...

Existing platforms supporting client certificate-based authentication auto-provisioning must update there Gigaset server certificates to support also the new client certificate.  If not done, then auto-provisioning of these devices with the newer firmware is not working any-more.

titleClient certificate device software < 2.57

Default, Factory installed Client certificates are pre-Image RemovedThe N870 has default from the factory Client certificates installed on the device.

The Factory installed Client certificates can be found here:

Code Block

How to check the CN:

There are 2 types of client certificates possible:

  • CN = Einstein2
  • CN = <MAC address> of the device example: CN = 7C2F80C6E5C2

The correct client certificate will have CN = <MAC address>

You can the check the CN using the following openssl command. You can execute this on the Nx70 (CLI access) or on external Linux PC, replace IP address with the IP address of your DECT device)

Code Block
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 2>/dev/null | grep -A3 "Server certificate"

Server certificate
subject=C = DE, ST = DE, L = Bocholt, O = Gigaset Communications GmbH, OU = PRO, CN = Einstein2

issuer=C = DE, ST = Germany, L = Bocholt, O = Gigaset Communications GmbH, OU = Certificate Authority, CN =

Other example:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 2>/dev/null | grep -A3 "Server certificate"

Server certificate
subject=C = DE, ST = Germany, L = Bocholt, O = Gigaset Communications GmbH, CN = 7C2F80C6E5C2

issuer=C = DE, ST = Germany, L = Bocholt, O = Gigaset Communications GmbH, OU = Certificate Authority, CN =

If you have an certificate with CN=Einstein2 and would need a new certificate, you can request this from Gigaset support.


The Client certificates can be uploaded from the web-interface, go to: SETTINGS - Telephony - VoIP.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">






<step type="certificate" url="<URL to certificate>" key="<URL to Private key>" flags="CLIENT_CERT" />



titleExample: How to generate your own Client certificates

You can generate your own Client certificates on the N870 CLI if you have no access to using a Linux machine.

To create self-signed client certificate you have to follow the instructions below. If you have own CA you can skip the first step.
1. Generate CA certificate (ca.crt) and key (ca.key):

Code Block
openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

and follow the on-screen instructions.

2. Generate Client Key, Certificate Signing Request, and Signed Client Certificate:

Code Block
openssl genrsa -des3 -out N870.key 4096
openssl req -new -key N870.key -out N870.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in N870.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out N870.crt
openssl rsa -in N870.key -out N870_key.pem

3. To check the content of the certificate:

Code Block
openssl x509 -in N870.crt -text -noout 

        Version: 1 (0x0)
        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

If you use an older Linux version, SHA1 is used by default. SHA1 is not seen as secure any-more and since software 2.57 SHA1 certificates are not accepted any-more.

Upload via the web-interface will give the following error:
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In the above example, sha256 is used and is seen as secure.

As Common Name you can put the MAC address of the device (with capital letters).

You can download the N870.crt and N870_key.pem file using WinSCP.

In the WebUI you have to upload Go to: SETTINGS - Telephony - VoIP to upload N870.crt and N870_key.pem files.

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