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Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator


Here we describe the timing/caching used when sending an location request via MQTT.

If the system receives an location request (DECT + Bluetooth) via MQTT:

  1. DECT location request will take around 5 seconds
  2. Then Bluetooth search is done, duration: "search time-out in MQTT command"
  3. Results are cached for 10 seconds (To protect system against location request flooding)
  4. DECT and Bluetooth have an own cache 

Example DECT + Bluetooth location request:

Send an DECT + Bluetooth Location request (MQTT) with the search time-out = 5 seconds "A".

If we would send an new Location request "B" 17 seconds later, we would receive new DECT location values and cached Bluetooth values.

Sending a new location request after 20 seconds "C" results in new DECT and Bluetooth location values.

Example Bluetooth location request:

Send an Bluetooth Location request (MQTT) with the search time-out = 5 seconds "A". 

If we would send an new Location request "B" 13 seconds later, we would receive cached Bluetooth values. (Syslog message: send cached ble result)

Sending a new location request after 17 seconds "C" results in new Bluetooth location values.

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