Important - New Client certificate !!!

This is valid if you upgrade a device with software 2.59.0 or older software versions.

After updating your device with this software, the integrated client certificate used for 2-way provisioning authentication is upgraded to a new high secure client certificate. This certificate is signed by Gigaset Technologies and not anymore by Gigaset Communications.

This means that if your device is provisioned using 2-way client authentication, the new Gigaset Technologies server certificates have to be installed on the provisioning server.

We as Gigaset have contacted the platforms that we know are using 2-way authentication, but as we do not have to full view what is used in the market.

Please check with your PBX manufacturer / VoIP provider if they use 2-way authentication and if they support the new Gigaset Technologies server certificates before you update your device.

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