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Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator


The N870 is able to show XHTML pages. 

You can create your own Application like an PBX Manager that the user could use to control his PBX functionality. Like:

  • Voicemail
  • Call Lists
  • Phonebooks
  • DND
  • Login / Logoff
  • Call Forwarding
  • ...

In the N720 and N510 we called this feature RAP.

For more detailed information about the XHTML protocol, check this wiki page.


Open the N870 web-interface and go to: SETTINGS - Online services - XHTML

There are up to 4 XHTML services possible.

ParameterAuto-provisioning parameterDescription
ActivateRapService.< 3-6>.ActivatedEnabled or Disable the selected XHTML service
Name for menuRapService.< 3-6>.NameName visible in the handset menu when selecting this service
Name for display keyRapService.< 3-6>.SoftkeyNameName of the softkey, this is limited to 8 characters
Server addressRapService.< 3-6>.ServerURLThe URL of the XHTML service
Use SIP credentialsRapService.< 3-6>.UseSIPIn case of authentication is needed, you can use the SIP credentials or enter your own credentials.
UsernameRapService.< 3-6>.Username
PasswordRapService.< 3-6>.Password
Add SIP-IDDmGlobal.0.AddSipIdAdd the SIPID in the HTTP get request to identify the handset/account.

If "Use SIP credentials" is set to "No" then a username and/or password should be inserted as else system does not try to query server.


Here is an auto provisioning example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">


<param name="RapService.3.Activated" value="1"/>
<param name="RapService.3.Name" value="PBX Manager"/>
<param name="RapService.3.ServerURL" value=""/>
<param name="RapService.3.SoftkeyName" value="PBX"/>
<param name="RapService.3.UseSIP" value="1"/>
<param name="DmGlobal.0.AddSipId" value="1"/>




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