FAQ Nx70 - SUOTA (Hidden)The Software Update Over The Air (SUOTA) functionality provides the possibility to

  • Upgrade DECT handsets via software Over-The-Air.

From software 2.43.0 SOUTA can be enabled via auto-provisioning.

To start SOUTA:

  1. On the handset go to: Menu - Settings - System - Handset Update
  2. Click "Update", the device will check the software on the server but you will not get an "New firmware available" 
  3. Click "Update" a second time and then when new firmware is available, firmware update can be started

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">


<!-- switch on SUOTA -->
<param name="DmGlobal.0.SuotaEnable" value="1" />
<!-- allow up to x SUOTA connection in parallel per DM (default = 4): -->
<param name="DmGlobal.0.SuotaNoOfParallelConnections" value="4" />

