
On this page we would like to explain you what you can do in case you find issues with our Gigaset N510.

  1. Make sure that your N510 has the last actual software. On this page you can find an overview about the released software versions.
  2. Can you reproduce the error?
  3. If there error is related to the network / VoIP protocol, wireshark traces are needed.
    It is not possible to make wireshark traces in the N510, for this you need to use your own laptop and a switch with monitor port.
  4. Create a sysdump via the web-interface, please inform Gigaset about the MAC address of the device.
  5. Create syslog messages.

Please add the above information to the Ticket. The more information we have, the quicker we can help you.  



  • On all of the Handsets you can see the blinking message "No Base"
  • In the wireshark trace you can see:
    1. Start wireshark