
Here we explain how to make a pcap trace in case this is requested.

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Connect to the T640/T440 using SSH
  2. Log in using username root, and your admin PIN
  3. Type tcpdump -i eth2 -s 0 -w /home/trace.pcap and press Enter (Pcap will be saved in /home folder as trace.pcap)
  4. Press CTRL+C to stop tracing

  5. With Windows you can use WinSPC to connect to the T640/T440 and get the trace

    Important: use the SCP protocol to connect to the T640/T440
  6. Copy the trace.pcap file from the T640/T440 /home folder to your PC

  7. Now you can open this file with Wireshark and/or send it to us