
XML templates are the configuration files that contain all parameters for the devices.

XML configuration files can be made:

  • Manually
  • Using our online tools (Login required)

Example templates are available.


DeviceBasic TemplateFull Template
Gigaset N300(A) / N510 IP PROIP_DECT_Template.xmlIP_DECT_Full_Template.xml
Gigaset N720 PRON720_Basic_TemplateN720_Template_updated_Aug_2015.xml
Maxwell 3 and BasicMaxwell 3 and Basic prov template.xml 
Gigaset Maxwell 10

Just download the config from the device and open with text editor.

Settings - System - Save and Restore Phone settings (Configfile)

Example of this config file.

Gigaset DE310 / DE410 IP PRODE310_410_Template.xmlDE310_410_Full_Template.xml
Gigaset DE700 / DE900 IP PRODE700_900_Template.xmlDE700_900_Full_Template.xml