You will find information about the status of the phone and diagnostic information in the Status menu.


Status -> Device
This screen shows general information about your phone.

IP configuration

IP address

The phone's current IP address within the local network.

MAC address LAN, MAC address WLAN, MAC address bluetooth

The phone's device addresses for LAN, WLAN and Bluetooth interfaces.

WLAN, WLAN encryption, Bluetooth

For each of these functions is shown whether it is activated or not.


Firmware version

Version of the firmware currently loaded on the phone. You can download updates of the firmware to your phone (
-> p. 36).

VoIP status

List of all configured VoIP connections with the NameStatus and which connection is configured as the Default send account.

Date and time

Current Time and Date in the device and the date of the most recent synchronisation with the time server.

PCAP logging

Status ->PCAP Logging
You can create a PCAP log file and save it for analysis at a later stage. PCAP (Packet Capture) analyses the data traffic in the network at the phone-Ethernet interface. This recording is carried out for diag nostic purposes and should only be made if requested by service personnel.

  • Click on Start. Every incoming or outgoing data packet to or from your phone is recorded and stored on the internal device storage.
  • Click on Stop to stop recording. 
  • To save the PCAP file on your computer, click on Download and select a directory in the file system on your computer where the file should be stored.
  • To delete the recorded log file from the internal device storage, click on Clear.

  • The information is recorded in a ring buffer that has limited storage capacity. If the buffer is full, the first packets will be overwritten and lost. You should therefore attempt to record scenarios that are as short as possible. 
  • This logging uses a lot of memory and CPU power and can negatively affect how the phone behaves (e.g. slowing the display screen, distorting the ring tone etc.)
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