Valid for N670 / N870 / N870E but not supported by N610. Software 2.52 or higher is needed.

The system can inform the Alarm (MQTT) server in case of:

  • DECT Manager and or DECT Base - Push notification
    • Single DECT base up/down
    • Single DECT manager up/down
  • DECT Manager and or DECT Base - Status information
    • Status of DECT base stations up/down
    • Status of DECT managers up/down
  • DECT Handset - Push notification
    • In/out of charger
    • Battery level
  1. DECT Manager and or DECT Base - Push notification
  2. How to subscribe for notifications
  3. How to request the current DM and base status
  4. DECT Handset - Push notification in/out of charger
  5. Documentation

1. DECT Manager and or DECT Base - Push notification

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By default, the system will notify the Alarm server if an DECT Manager and/or DECT base is down after 9 minutes outage. This value can be changed via auto-provisioning.

Example of xml file which changes DropoutNotificationTimeout to 60 seconds.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">
      <param name="AmlGlobal.0.DropoutNotificationTimeout" value="60"/>
To disable functionality DropoutNotificationTimeout needs to be set to value 0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">
      <param name="AmlGlobal.0.DropoutNotificationTimeout" value="0"/>

2. How to subscribe for notifications

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If you want to receive this information, the alarm server need to subscribe to the MQTT topic.

Example of subscription for any notification.

mosquitto_sub -v -t '#' -u "as1" -P "as1" --psk-identity as1 --psk password -p 8884 -h ip_address

Example of subscription for notification regarding status of base stations

mosquitto_sub -v -t 'xxl/as-agent/system/as-agent/noti/bsStatus' -u "as1" -P "as1" --psk-identity as1 --psk password -p 8884 -h ip_address

Example of subscription for notification regarding status of dect managers

mosquitto_sub -v -t 'xxl/as-agent/system/as-agent/noti/dmStatus' -u "as1" -P "as1" --psk-identity as1 --psk password -p 8884 -h ip_address

Example of subscription for notification regarding the handset status

// Example for "ANY" handset
mosquitto_sub -v -t '+/+/as/hs/noti/hs_status' -u "as1" -P "as1" --psk-identity as1 --psk password -p 8884 -h ip_address

// Example for a specific handset
mosquitto_sub -v -t '<dm_id>/<sip_id>/as/hs/noti/hs_status' -u "as1" -P "as1" --psk-identity as1 --psk password -p 8884 -h ip_address


-u user needs to be added to external client list (webui settings/online-services/application-servers)

--psk is external client password

-p is psk port

-h is ip address of the device

If the AML server subscribes on the required topic, the system will answer with the status Nx70 Base 589ec60d90ca Base 7c2f80c6e5c2 Base 7c2f80f68993 MQTT AML server Base 589ec60d90ca Base 7c2f80c6e5c2 Base 7c2f80f68993 MQTT AML server Example: Subscribe to base station status MQTT subscribe xxl/as-agent/system/as-agent/noti/bsStatus "{"payload":[{"id":"589ec60d90ca","name":"Office","status":"up"},{"id":"7c2f80c6e5c2","name":"LocalBS","status":"up"},{"id":"7c2f80f68993","name":"Reception","status":"up"}]}"

3. How to request the current DM and Base station status

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With each (new) subscribe or re-subscribe to the above MQTT topic ("Any"), the system will respond with the actual status of the DECT managers and Base stations.

Example for payload response

4. DECT Handset - Push notification in/out of charger

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Power status information contains the following elements:


Contains info about status about in charger ("in") or out of charger ("off").


Contains battery charge level in percent (valid values are 0 to 64 hexadecimal), Value 7f indicates that battery charge level is not available for some reason.

For this feature you need:

  • DECT system software version 2.53 or higher
  • S700H / R700H / SL800H with software release 12 or higher

How to enable this feature:

  1. First you need to enable this feature per handset, this is done via the following MQTT command.
    Below an example to activate this feature for handset "1013"

    mosquitto_pub -t 'as1/hs_status/sip_id/1013/req/hs_status' -m '{"msgId": "hs_status_1013","params": {"sip_id":"1013","hs_status":{"power_status":"on"}}}' 
  2. If operation was successful, response will be sent with current status:

    dm1/1013/as1/hs_status/res/hs_status {"msgId":"hs_status_1013","payload":{"hs_status":{"power_status":"on"},"sip_id":"1013"}} 

  3. If HS does not support sending power status, proper reject reason will be sent:

    dm1/1013/as1/hs_status/res/hs_status {"msgId":"hs_status_1013","payload":{"hs_status":{"rej_reason":"feature_not_supported"},"sip_id":"1013"}} 
  4. To activate power status notifications, the user needs to power cycle the HS (turn it off and on again) or wait up to 3 hours for next automatic location registration.

  5. After successful activation of power status, notifications will be sent when:
    1. HS is put in/out of charger
    2. After location registration (e.g. when HS roams into given DM, when attaching HS after system bootup, automatically every 3 hours)

  6. It will contain status of charging and current battery level (in hex value), e.g.:

    dm1/1013/as/hs/noti/hs_status {"msgId":"hs_status_1013","payload":{"power_status":{"battery_level":"5a","charger":"off"},"sip_id":"1013"}}

5. Documentation

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Alarming, Messaging and Location

Describes the AML functionality FAQ - Alarm, Messaging and Location 

AML installation procedure

How to install/configure the Cordless system to be used in an AML environment. FAQ - AML installation procedure

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