Valid for:





Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator

Valid for N610 / N670 / N870 / N870E. Software 2.44 or higher is needed.

From software 2.44.0 you can automatic backup your configuration to an SFTP server.

  • Automatic SFTP Back-up
  • Select day(s) per week
  • Define the back-up time
  • Back-up is done by the device having the Integrator role (INT / INT + DM / INT + DM + Base)


Server address where backup should be sent

example: "sftp://" the system will create the backup named:

<MAC address>_<Software version>_YYYY_MM_DD_"device-settings"

Please end URL with "/" else SFTP upload is not started

You can also enter the name of the file directly:

example: "sftp://"

AutomaticBackup.0.ServerPortServer port (22)
AutomaticBackup.0.AuthUserNameAuthentication username
AutomaticBackup.0.AuthPasswordAuthentication password
AutomaticBackup.0.ScheduledDaysOfTheWeekDays of the week when automatic backup should be triggered (mon tue wed thu fri sat sun)
AutomaticBackup.0.UploadTimeDay time when backup will be executed (HH:MM)
AutomaticBackup.0.Immediately1 - if backup should be executed immediately, 0 - otherwise
AutomaticBackup.0.Enabled1 - if automatic backup is enabled, 0 - otherwise


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">

    <!-- server address where backup should be sent -->
    <param name="AutomaticBackup.0.ServerURL" value="sftp://" />

    <!-- server port -->
    <param name="AutomaticBackup.0.ServerPort" value="22" />

    <!-- authentication username -->
    <param name="AutomaticBackup.0.AuthUserName" value="sftpuser" />

    <!-- authentication password -->
    <param name="AutomaticBackup.0.AuthPassword" value="sftp_password" />

    <!-- days of the week when automatic backup should be triggered (mon tue wed thu fri sat sun) -->
    <param name="AutomaticBackup.0.ScheduledDaysOfTheWeek" value="mon,tue,wed,thu,fri" />

    <!-- day time when backup will be executed (HH:MM) -->
    <param name="AutomaticBackup.0.UploadTime" value="10:30" />

    <!-- 1 - if backup should be executed immediately, 0 - otherwise -->
    <param name="AutomaticBackup.0.Immediately" value="1" />

    <!-- 1 - if automatic backup is enabled, 0 - otherwise -->
    <param name="AutomaticBackup.0.Enabled" value="1" />



From software 2.47 we have implemented the web-interface option to configure Automatic Back-up.

Go to: SETTINGS - System - Save and restore

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