

About F24

F24 is the paneuropean leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider for resilience. More than 5500 customers worldwide rely on F24’s digital solutions, which support companies and organizations through all areas of resilience. Solutions cover business messaging and service notification, emergency and mass notification, incident and crisis management, as well as governance, risk and compliance.

The integrated FACT24 solution supports you in operating a holistic emergency and crisis management system. The system enables fast, multimedia communication and intervention in emergencies and critical situations. In addition to pure SaaS solutions, F24 also offers classic on-premises alerting solutions, as well as a combination of both worlds. F24's hybrid approach allows the use of a central alarming solution that combines the flexibility of the cloud with the added value of a local alarm platform.

The latest FACT24 Mediagateway Release Notes can be found here: Release Notes - HelpDocs

See below for a list with supported features when using the Gigaset Nx70 together with the Serinus Alarm-Mediagateway.

AML Feature                                       Supported
Send message prio 1 - 9
Title: Text
Title: Color (White / Green / Yellow / Red / Blue)
Icons: Type, supporting the Gigaset icon range
Icons: Color (White / Green / Yellow / Red / Blue)
Ringtone: Melody prio Low / Medium / High / Silent
Ringtone: Set/overrule volume-
Message paragraph 1: Text
Message paragraph 1: Color
Message paragraph 1: Align
Message paragraph 1: Blinking
Message paragraph 1: Bold
Message paragraph 1: Underline
Message paragraph 2: Text-
Message paragraph 2: Color-
Message paragraph 2: Align-
Message paragraph 2: Blinking-
Message paragraph 2: Bold-
Message paragraph 2: Underline-
Vibration: Enable yes/no-
Silencing: Overrule the user silence settings-
Delete message: Allowed yes/no
Ignore message: Allowed yes/no
Presentation timer: How long the message is displayed on the handset
Time to Live: How long the message is stored on the DECT system
Reply options: Using softkeys to reply on messages
Message user response: Server reacts on user handling/feedback
Location: Server can ask HS to send DECT signal information
Location: Server can ask HS to send BLE beacons information
Start Alarm call via key/number: Dial phone number
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