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Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator


On this page we would like to provide more details about SNMP and how to use a freeware tool for testing.

  1. Download and install the freeware tool:
  2. N670 with the IP address
  3. PC has the IP address:

From software 2.36 SNMP is disabled when the SNMP manager address =

Nx70 Settings

In the Nx70 web-interface go to: SETTINGS - System - System log - SNMP statistics

Enter the SNMP manager information, in this example my PC (  

We used the default username and password.

On this page you can also download the Nx70 MIB file that you can then upload on your SNMP server.

SNMP tool settings

Import MIB file

In the tool go to: File Load MIB 


Enter login credentials.

In the tool go to: 

  • Edit - Settings
  • Select SNMP v3
  • Click on Add
  • Target Host: The IP address of the Nx70
  • Target port: The port number (161)
  • Username: The username configured in the Nx70 (admin)
  • Auth Password: The password configured in the Nx70 (snmpadmin)
  • Priv Password: The password configured in the Nx70 (snmpadmin)
  • Auth Protocol: SHA
  • Priv Protocol: CFB-AES-128

Read SNMP Values
  • Select a base station
  • Right click and select SNMPWALK
  • You will get the supported SNMP values

Supported SNMP valuesDescription
bsMAC-xxMAC address of Base station
bsFrom-..BS start time when connection to DM
bsTo-..actual time of BS connection to DM
bsRPN-..RPN number of BS
bsCl-..cluster level
bsLv-..sync level
bsConn-..DECT MAC layer connection setup
bsHoIn-..Handover setup in
bsHoOut-..Handover setup out
bsCallDrop-..Call Drop
bsAsync-..BS lost DECT synchronisation
bsBusy-..Single module enter in busy state
bsDpcOff-..TCP/IP connection toward base station was lost
SNMP Traps

Supported traps:

  • BS synchronization status trap
  • BS online/offline status trap

In the tool enabled the Trap viewer (ALT + P)

As mention above, Nx70 supports two Traps:

trBsOnlineState (OID: . → triggered when BS goes offline:

trBsSyncState (OID: . → triggered when BS lost synchronization:

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