Valid for:





Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator


The Software Update Over The Air (SUOTA) functionality provides the possibility to

  • Upgrade DECT handsets via software Over-The-Air.

From software 2.44.0 SUOTA can be enabled via auto-provisioning.

To start SUOTA:

  1. On the handset go to: Menu - Settings - System - Handset Update
  2. Click "Update", the device will check the software on the server but you will not get a "New firmware available" message 
  3. Click "Update" a second time and then when new firmware is available, firmware update can be started

  • Nx70 base stations and DECT Managers need access to
  • Via SUOTA up to 4 handsets can be simultaneously updated
  • Handsets should stay connected to the same base during SUOTA firmware update, roaming during SUOTA is not allowed

How to enable SUOTA via auto-provisioning.

  1. Download the provisioning file (See the content of the provisioning file below)
  2. In the Nx70 web-interface go to: SETTINGS - System - Provisioning and configuration - Autoconfiguration file
  3. Click on Browse and select the provisioning file you have downloaded
  4. Click on Upload and then on Start auto configuration
  5. Now you can start the firmware update on the handset like described above

Provisioning template

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">


<!-- switch on SUOTA -->
<param name="DmGlobal.0.SuotaEnable" value="1" />



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