
The Virtual integrator can support:

  • Up to 100 DECT managers
  • Up to 6,000 DECT Base stations
  • Up to 20,000 DECT handsets (80% rule)
  • Handover, Roaming and Load balancing is supported

Each DECT Manager can support:

  • Up to 60 DECT Base stations
  • Up to 250 DECT handsets

Subscribers can

  • Accept or initiate calls in all DECT cells with their handset (Roaming)
  • Switch between the DECT cells during a call (Handover).
  • A handover is only possible if cells are synchronised.

To allow inter-DECT-manager roaming, the regular load of handsets planned to be attached to one DECT manager would be lower (Approx.80%)

  • No labels