Valid for:





Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator


The device supports different XML phone-books

  • Public White Pages
  • Public Yellow Pages
  • Public Private Pages
  • Corporate White Pages
  • Corporate Yellow Pages
  • Corporate Private Pages

Public Directory

Corporate Directory

XML query
Phone-bookQuery example

Public White Pages

Public Yellow Pagesget%5flist&type=yp&wh=B%2a&ct=%2a&st=%2a&ln=%2a&cat=%2a&nr=%2a&hm=%2a&mb=%2a&fx=%2a&sip=%2a&zc=%2a&in=%2a&bp=%2a&lang=3&first=1&count=16&mac=7C2F80E0D6D7&reqsrc=user&limit=8192 
Public Private Pagesget%5flist&type=pr&cpn=%2a&cat=%2a&bi=%2a&jid=%2a&fn=%2a&ln=B%2a&ct=%2a&st=%2a&hm=%2a&mb=%2a&fx=%2a&in=%2a&bp=%2a&nr=%2a&sip=%2a&zc=%2a&em=%2a&prid=1&lang=3&first=1&count=16&mac=7C2F80E0D6D7&reqsrc=user&limit=8192
Corporate White pagesget%5flist&type=pb&fn=%2a&ln=A%2a&ct=%2a&st=%2a&hm=%2a&mb=%2a&fx=%2a&in=%2a&bp=%2a&nr=%2a&sip=%2a&zc=%2a&em=%2a&lang=3&first=1&count=16&mac=7C2F80E0D6D7&reqsrc=user&limit=8192 
Corporate Yellow pagesget%5flist&type=yp&wh=B%2a&ct=%2a&st=%2a&ln=%2a&cat=%2a&nr=%2a&hm=%2a&mb=%2a&fx=%2a&sip=%2a&zc=%2a&in=%2a&bp=%2a&lang=3&first=1&count=16&mac=7C2F80E0D6D7&reqsrc=user&limit=8192 
Corporate Private pagesget%5flist&type=pr&cpn=%2a&cat=%2a&bi=%2a&jid=%2a&fn=%2a&ln=B%2a&ct=%2a&st=%2a&hm=%2a&mb=%2a&fx=%2a&in=%2a&bp=%2a&nr=%2a&sip=%2a&zc=%2a&em=%2a&prid=1&lang=3&first=1&count=16&mac=7C2F80E0D6D7&reqsrc=user&limit=8192


pb = White pages / Public pages

yp = Yellow pages

pr = Private pages

fnFirst name

lnSurnameWhite / Private pages 
whCategory/NameYellow pages
ctCityWhite / Yellow pages
stStreet name

hmNumberWhite / Private pages
mbMobile number

fxFax  number

inInternal number

bpBusiness number

nrHouse number

sipSIP number (VoIP number)



cpnCompany name



firstStart positionWhite / Yellow / Private
CountMaximum number of results from the serverWhite / Yellow / Private
LimitMaximum amount of data for response

MACMAC address of the client device


Request source is a flag that indicate who starts phonebook search:

auto auto lookup (search is started for number lookup service)
user manual search performed by user hands

White / Yellow / Private
For more info see: Online directory
Public Directory
Directory nameXMLDir.0.ProviderNameEnter a name for the directory. This is the name that will be displayed on the handsets when the user opens the directory list by pressing the directory key.
Server addressXMLDir.0.ServerURLEnter the URL of the online directory provider.
UsernameXMLDir.0.UsernameEnter a global user name for the user access to the online directory.
PasswordXMLDir.0.PasswordEnter a global password for the user access to the online directory.
List update / refresh
Maximum number of entries


Enter the maximum number of entries that are to be downloaded during one reading operation.

White Pages
Enable White PagesNetdir.4.Activated0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Directory nameXMLDir.0.WhitePagesDirName
Start modeXMLDir.0.StartWithListWP0 = Editor
1 = List

Yellow Pages
Enable Yellow PagesNetdir.5.Activated0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Directory nameXMLDir.0.YellowPagesDirName
Start mode


0 = Editor
1 = List

Private Pages
Enable Private PagesNetdir.6.Activated0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Directory nameXMLDir.0.PrivatePagesDirName
Start modeXMLDir.0.StartWithListPP0 = Editor
1 = List
Corporate Directory
Directory nameXMLDir.1.ProviderNameEnter a name for the directory. This is the name that will be displayed on the handsets when the user opens the directory list by pressing the directory key.
Server addressXMLDir.1.ServerURLEnter the URL of the online directory provider.
UsernameXMLDir.1.UsernameEnter a global user name for the user access to the online directory.
PasswordXMLDir.1.PasswordEnter a global password for the user access to the online directory.
List update / refresh
Maximum number of entries


Enter the maximum number of entries that are to be downloaded during one reading operation.

White Pages
Enable White PagesNetdir.1.Activated0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Directory nameXMLDir.1.WhitePagesDirName
Start modeXMLDir.1.StartWithListWP0 = Editor
1 = List

Yellow Pages
Enable Yellow PagesNetdir.2.Activated0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Directory nameXMLDir.1.YellowPagesDirName
Start modeXMLDir.1.StartWithListYP0 = Editor
1 = List

Private Pages
Enable Private PagesNetdir.3.Activated0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Directory nameXMLDir.1.PrivatePagesDirName
Start modeXMLDir.1.StartWithListPP0 = Editor
1 = List

  • No labels