
The BroadWorks Xtended Service Platform (XSP) enables a variety of ancillary interfaces on BroadWorks. The primary interface exposed by the XSP is the Xtended Services Interface (Xsi) – which provides a rich set of Web 2.0 interfaces for integrating BroadWorks services with desktop clients as well as Internet based applications.

Feature is available for:

  • DE900/700 SW 02.00.11 or higher
  • DE410/310 SW 02.00.08 or higher

Supported features are:

  • Call forward Always
  • Call forward Busy
  • Call forward No Answer
  • Do Not Disturb (DND)



If you change it on the platform via the web-interface then the platform will not inform the device changes are made, therefore the device will not show the actual setting on the display. If you always use the phone to change the settings then it will show the correct settings on the display of the phone.



In the web-interface of the device go to: Settings - Server and Phone systems - Phone systems.

Select "Broadsoft" as Phone system


In the web-interface of the device go to: Settings - Telephony - Connections

Open the Connection you are using for Broadsoft:

Enter the information you have received from your provider.


You can also change the Password direct from the device if needed.


Desktop devices auto provisioning parameters.

XML syntax:

<S_XSP_HOST class="string" value="http://<provider URL"/>
<S_XSP_USER class="string" value="Broadsoft user web-interface username"/>
<S_XSP_PW class="string" value="Broadsoft user web-interface password"/>

Tag NameValueMeaning

URL must be a valid URL like:

http://<provider URL>

The URL to the Broadsoft XSI server
S_XSP_USERXSI usernameBroadsoft web-interface username
S_XSP_PWXSI PasswordBroadsoft web-interface Password

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