
Normally Maxwell send SIP re-REGISTER in 50% time of registration, negotiated with Platform. In Software 2.17.4 or higher, we created a new provisioning parameter, when this parameter is enabled, Maxwell send SIP re-REGISTER in 75% time of registration. Our DECT devices like N510/N720 works with same way, with 75% value. (All is allowed conform the SIP RFC)

Auto provisioning
SIP.Account.(0-3).RegistrationServer.ReregisterAlternative0 (Default) = Disabled, SIP re-REGISTER 50% of the negotiated expire timer.
1 = Enabled, SIP re-REGISTER 75% of the negotiated expire timer.


<param name="SIP.Account.0.RegistrationServer.ReregisterAlternative" value="1" />

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