Updating firmware

Firmware updates can be downloaded from this page, so you can ensure your phone is always up to date. You can find the current version of your firmware on the Device status screen. You can update your phone automatically or manually. Any PC connected to the phone will not be able to access the local network and the Internet during the firmware update.

There are 3 ways to upgrade your device.

Each way will take some minutes to finish the firmware upgrading, please pay attention to wait for success.

By Web GUI:

Go to: Settings -> System -> Firmware Update

Choose the file from hard-disk and Press <Load>

Internet update

Go to: Settings -> System -> Firmware Update
Select Yes for Automatic check for software updates and/or Automatic check for profile updates.
Enter the Web address for the automatic update search in the Data server field (Default = "profile.gigaset.net/device"). Click on Update firmware to start the search and to load the new firmware.

Maxwell 10

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