
Below you can find more information about the configuration of the Teldat Hybird 120, from where we started with a default configuration.

Architecture Overview



Gigaset devices are connected via a Switch to the Teldat Hybird 120, for the external trunk we used a SIP provider.





Software version

The following software versions were used during testing by Gigaset pro

DeviceSoftware version
Teldat Hybird 120V.9.1 Rev. 5 IPSec from 2013/05/30 00:00:00
Gigaset N510 IP PRO80
Gigaset N720 IP PRO73
Gigaset DE900/70002.00.08
Gigaset DE410/31002.00.05


Teldat Global Setttings


In the web-interface of the teldat Hybird 120 go to:

  • System - Global Settings.


No special changes are made here.








Add VoIP devices


Gigaset devices are normal VoIP devices in the Teldat Hybird 120. These devices needs additional SIP licenses in the Teldat Hybird 120

During testing, we used the default settings as displayed in the picture.








Add users

Users are added, using the Default Cos and settings.











Class of Services (COS)

The following COS settings are used.

  • No labels