Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


TR069 Supported Methods and Feature List

TR069 feature nameSupported
Zero Touch Activationyes
Connection Requestyes
HTTP Session Initiation - Basic Authenticationyes
HTTP Session Initiation - Digest Authenticationyes
HTTP Session Initiation - Session Cookie Validationyes
CWMP Session Initiation - Bootstrapyes
CWMP Session Initiation - Periodic Informyes
CWMP Session Initiation - Schedule Informno
Get RPC Methodsyes
Get Parameter Names - Complete Path yes
Get Parameter Names - Partial Pathyes
Set Parameter Values - Complete Pathyes
Set Parameter Values - Partial Pathyes
Add Objectno
Delete Objectno
Factory Resetyes
Get Attribute Valuesno
Set Attribute Valuesno
Download FW - No ACS Specified Delay - HTTP Basic Authyes
Download FW - No ACS Specified Delay - HTTP Digest Authno
Download FW - No ACS Specified Delay - HTTPS Basic Authno
Download FW - No ACS Specified Delay - HTTPS Digest Authno
Download FW - ACS Specified Delay - HTTP Basic Authno
Download FW - ACS Specified Delay - HTTP Digest Authno
Download FW - ACS Specified Delay - HTTPS Basic Authno
Download FW - ACS Specified Delay - HTTPS Digest Authno
Upload Configno
SSL yes
TR111-part1 yes
TR111-part2 (STUN)no

TR069 Supported Data Model



The DeviceSummary parameter is defined to provide an explicit summary of the top-level data model of
the device, including version and profile information. This parameter MAY be used by an ACS to discover
the nature of the device and the ACS’s compatibility with specific objects supported by the device.

Device.DeviceInfo.objectThis object contains general device information.

The manufacturer of the CPE (human readable


Organizationally unique identifier of the device manufacturer. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros.

The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [9].

Device.DeviceInfo.ModelNamestring(64)Model name of the CPE (human readable string).
Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumberstring(64) Serial number of the CPE. 
Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersionstring(64)A string identifying the particular CPE model and version

A string identifying the software version currently installed in the CPE. To allow version comparisons, this element
SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21where the components mean:

Device.ManagementServer.object This object contains parameters relating to the CPE’s association with an ACS.

URL for the CPE to connect to the ACS using the CPE WAN Management Protocol.
This parameter MUST be in the form of a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL [5]. An HTTPS URL indicates that the ACS supports SSL.
The “host” portion of this URL is used by the CPE for validating the certificate from the ACS when using certificate-based authentication.


Username used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the ACS using the CPE WAN Management Protocol.
This username is used only for HTTP-based authentication of the CPE.


Password used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the ACS using the CPE WAN Management Protocol.
This password is used only for HTTP-based authentication of the CPE.
When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

Device.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformEnablebooleanWhether or not the CPE must periodically send CPE information to Server using the Inform method call.
Device.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformIntervalunsignedIntThe duration in seconds of the interval for which the CPE MUST attempt to connect with the ACS and call the Inform method if PeriodicInform-Enable is true.
Device.ManagementServer.ParameterKeystring(32)The value of the ParameterKey argument from the most recent SetParameterValues, AddObject, or DeleteObject method call from the Server. If there have been no such calls, this value is empty.

HTTP URL for an ACS to make a Connection Request notification to the CPE.
In the form:
The “host” portion of the URL MAY be the IP address for the management interface of the CPE in lieu of a host name.

Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestUsernamestring(256)Username used to authenticate an ACS making a Connection Request to the CPE.

Password used to authenticate an ACS making a Connection Request to the CPE.
When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.


This object contains parameters relating to IP-based LAN connectivity of a device.This object relates only to IP-layer LAN capabilities.
Lower-layer aspects of LAN connectivity are not considered part of the common data model defined in this specification.
For a device that contains multiple IP interfaces, the scope of this object is limited to the default IP interface. Data that may be associated with other interfaces is not considered part of the common data model defined in this specification.
Support for this object is Optional

Device.LAN.IPAddressstringThe current IP address assigned to this interface.The ability to modify this parameter is optional, and this parameter cannot be modified if the AddressingType is “DHCP”.
Device.GatewayInfo.objectThis object contains information associated with a connected Internet Gateway Device.

Organizationally unique identifier of the associated Internet Gateway Device. An empty string indicates that there is no associated Internet Gateway Device that has been detected.


Identifier of the product class of the associated Internet Gateway Device. An empty string indicates either that there is no associated Internet Gateway Device that has been detected, or the Internet
Gateway Device does not support the use of the product-class parameter.


Serial number of the associated Internet Gateway Device. An empty string indicates that there is no associated Internet Gateway Device that has been detected.



Device.Services.VoiceService.{i}.objectThe top-level object for VoIP CPE.
Device.Services.VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfileNumberOfEntriesunsignedIntNumber of instances of VoiceProfile

Object associated with a collection of voice lines with common characteristics. Support for adding and removing profiles is conditional on whether more than one profile is supported as indicated by

VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.MaxProfileCount. By default, a single VoiceProfile object SHOULD be present in a VoiceService, initially in the disabled state.


Enables or disables all lines in this profile, or places it into a quiescent state. Enumeration of:
On creation, a profile MUST be in the Disabled state.
In the Quiescent state, in-progress sessions remain intact, but no new sessions are allowed.
Support for the Quiescent state in a CPE is optional. If this parameter is set to “Quiescent” in a CPE that does not support the Quiescent state, it MUST treat it the same as the Disabled state.


Number of instances of Line within this VoiceProfile.
Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.


Human-readable string to identify the profile instance.

Device.Services.VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.STUNEnablebooleanEnable or disable use of STUN to allow operation through NAT. Note: enabling STUN is to be interpreted as enabling the use of STUN for discovery, not use as a keep-alive mechanism.
Device.Services.VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.STUNServerstring(256)Domain name or IP address of the STUN server.

Object associated with a distinct voice line.
Support for adding and removing lines is conditional on whether the CPE supports more than one line in total as indicated by VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.MaxLineCount.
By default, on creation of a given VoiceProfile, a single Line object MUST be present, initially in the disabled state.
Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.


Enables or disables this line, or places it into a
quiescent state. Enumeration of:
On creation, a line MUST be in the Disabled state.
In the Quiescent state, in-progress sessions remain intact, but no new sessions are allowed.
Support for the Quiescent state in a CPE isoptional.
If this parameter is set to “Quiescent” in a CPE that does not support the Quiescent state, it MUST treat it the same as the Disabled state (and indicate Disabled in the Status parameter).


Indicates the status of this line. Enumeration of:


Voice line parameters related to optional endpoint based calling features.

Device.Services.VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.CallingFeatures.CallerIDNamestring(256)String used to identify the caller.

Voice line parameters that are specific to SIP call signaling.


Username used to authenticate the connection to the server.


Password used to authenticate the connection to the server. When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.


URI by which the user agent will identify itself for this line.
If empty, the actual URI used in the SIP signaling SHOULD be automatically formed by the CPE as:
Where UserName is username given for this line (VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.SIP.AuthUserName), and Domain is the domain given for
this profile (VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.UserAgentDomain). If this domain parameter is empty, then the IP address of the CPE SHOULD be used for the domain.
If URI is non-empty, but is a SIP or SIPS URI that contains no “@” character, then the actual URI used in the SIP signaling SHOULD be automatically formed by the CPE by appending
this parameter with an “@” character followed by the domain given for this profile (VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.UserAgentDomain). If this domain parameter is empty, then the IP address of the CPE SHOULD be used for the domain.


Voice profile parameters that are specific to SIP user agents.


Host name or IP address of the SIP proxy server.
All SIP signaling traffic MUST be sent to the host indicated by this parameter and the port indicated by the ProxyServerPort parameter unless OutboundProxy parameter is non-empty or a different route was discovered during normal operations SIP routing operation. Regardless of which host the traffic gets sent to (the ProxyServer or the OutboundProxy), the value of this parameter MUST be used to derive the URI placed into the SIP Route header field of all requests originated by this end-point unless a



Destination port to be used in connecting to the SIP server.


Host name or IP address of the SIP registrar server.
If this parameter is empty, the CPE MUST obtain all of the registrar server configuration information, including host name or IP address, port, and
transport protocol, from the corresponding ProxyServer parameters (ProxyServer, ProxyServerPort, and ProxyServerTransport), ignoring all of the registrar server parameters (RegistrarServer, RegistrarServerPort and RegistrarServerTransport).


Destination port to be used in connecting to the SIP registrar server.
If the RegistrarServer parameter is empty, the CPE MUST obtain all of the registrar server configuration information, including host name or IP address, port, and transport protocol, from the
corresponding ProxyServer parameters (ProxyServer, ProxyServerPort, and ProxyServerTransport), ignoring all of the registrar server parameters (RegistrarServer, RegistrarServerPort
and RegistrarServerTransport).


Host name or IP address of the outbound proxy.
If a non-empty value is specified, the SIP endpoint MUST send all SIP traffic (requests and responses) to the host indicated by this parameter and the port indicated by theOutboundProxyPort parameter. This MUST
be done regardless of the routes discovered using normal SIP operations, including use of Route headers initialized from Service-Route and Record-Route headers previously received. The OutboundProxy value is NOT used to generate the URI placed into the Route header of any requests.



Destination port to be used in connecting to the outbound proxy. This parameter MUST be ignored unless the value of the OutboundProxy parameter in this object is non-empty.

Device.Services.VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile. {i}


Registration Refresh Time.

Reference: TR-104,TR-106

Mapping TR069 -> (XML) provisioning parameter -> WebUI

TR069 Parameter Name

(XML) provisioning parameter

Account IP1

Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.Line.1.CallingFeatures.CallerIDNameBS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DISPLAYNAMEDisplay name
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.Line.1.SIP.AuthUserNameBS_IP_Data3.aucS_SIP_LOGIN_IDAuthentication name
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.Line.1.SIP.AuthPasswordBS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_PASSWORDAuthentication password





Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.SIP.ProxyServerBS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_SERVERProxy server address
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.SIP.ProxyServerPortBS_IP_Data1.uiI_SIP_SERVER_PORTProxy server port
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.SIP.RegistrarServerBS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_REGISTRARRegistration server
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.SIP.RegistrarServerPortBS_IP_Data1.uiI_SIP_REGISTRAR_PORTRegistration server port
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.STUNEnableBS_IP_Data1.ucB_SIP_USE_STUNSTUN enabled
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.STUNServerBS_IP_Data1.aucS_STUN_SERVERSTUN server address
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.SIP.OutboundProxyBS_IP_Data1.aucS_OUTBOUND_PROXYOutbound server address
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.SIP.OutboundProxyPortBS_IP_Data1.uiI_OUTBOUND_PROXY_PORTOutbound proxy port
Account IP2

Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.Line.1.CallingFeatures.CallerIDNameBS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DISPLAYNAME_2Display name
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.Line.1.SIP.AuthUserNameBS_IP_Data3.aucS_SIP_LOGIN_ID_2Authentication name
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.Line.1.SIP.AuthPasswordBS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_PASSWORD_2Authentication password





Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.SIP.ProxyServerBS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_SERVER_2Proxy server address
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.SIP.ProxyServerPortBS_IP_Data1.uiI_SIP_SERVER_PORT_2Proxy server port
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.SIP.RegistrarServerBS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_REGISTRAR_2Registration server
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.SIP.RegistrarServerPortBS_IP_Data1.uiI_SIP_REGISTRAR_PORT_2Registration server port
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.STUNEnableBS_IP_Data1.ucB_SIP_USE_STUN_2STUN enabled
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.STUNServerBS_IP_Data1.aucS_STUN_SERVER_2STUN server address
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.SIP.OutboundProxyBS_IP_Data1.aucS_OUTBOUND_PROXY_2Outbound server address
Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2.SIP.OutboundProxyPortBS_IP_Data1.uiI_OUTBOUND_PROXY_PORT_2Outbound proxy port

Device configuration for TR069

Code Block
titleXML provisioning / NVRAM parameters
<!-- TR069 WebGui Page: enable -->
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_WebUi.bitfld.bTR069PageEnabled" class="symb_item" value="0x01" />

<!-- TR069: enable -->
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_IP_Data3.ucB_TR69_MGMT_ENABLED" class="symb_item" value="0x01" />
<!-- TR069: ACS URL: -->
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_IP_Data3.aucS_DEV_MGMT_SRVR_URL" class="symb_item" value="0x68,0x74,0x74,0x70,0x73,0x3A,0x2F,0x2F,0x61,0x63,0x73,0x73,0x2D,0x74,0x65,0x73,0x74,0x2E,0x69,0x6E,0x65,0x74,0x69,0x61,0x2E,0x70,0x6C,0x2F,0x41,0x43,0x53,0x2F,0x73,0x65,0x72,0x76,0x69,0x63,0x65,0x73,0x2F,0x4D,0x61,0x6E,0x61,0x67,0x65,0x6D,0x65,0x6E,0x74,0x0" />
<!-- TR069: ACS Username: OUI-Class-Serial (002104-Merkur-7C2F800DB618) -->
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_IP_Data3.aucS_DEV_MGMT_SRVR_USER" class="symb_item" value="0x30,0x30,0x32,0x31,0x30,0x34,0x2D,0x4D,0x65,0x72,0x6B,0x75,0x72,0x2D,0x37,0x43,0x32,0x46,0x38,0x30,0x30,0x44,0x42,0x36,0x31,0x38,0x0"/>
<!-- TR069: ACS Password: 123456789abc -->
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_IP_Data3.aucS_DEV_MGMT_SRVR_PW" class="symb_item" value="0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x0"/>

<!-- TR069: Connection Request Username -->
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_IP_Data3.aucS_DEV_MGMT_SRVR_CONN_USER" class="symb_item" value="0x43,0x68,0x61,0x67,0x61,0x6c,0x6c,0x0,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff"/>
<!-- TR069: Connection Request Password -->
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_IP_Data3.aucS_DEV_MGMT_SRVR_CONN_PW" class="symb_item" value="0x43,0x68,0x61,0x67,0x61,0x6c,0x6c,0x0,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff"/>
<!-- TR069: Enable Periodic Inform --> 
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_IP_Data3.ucI_DEV_MGMT_SRVR_INF_EN" class="symb_item" value="0x01"/>
<!-- TR069: Periodic Inform: 15min --> 
<SYMB_ITEM ID="BS_IP_Data3.ulI_DEV_MGMT_SRVR_INF_INTV" class="symb_item" value="0x384"/>

Configuration via web-interface

When the web-interface TR-069 is enabled then the configuration can also be done via the web-interface.

Image Added

TR069 -> N510 v.204 GPV Response
