
The following ringtones are by default delivered with these handsets.

01 Signal
02 Memo (Msg prio medium from SW11)
03 Down (Internal calls)
04 Vibe (Emergency)
05 Egg
06 Gigaset (External calls)
07 Super 4
08 Set (Msg prio low from SW11)
09 Tone One (Group calls)
10 Step to B (Optional)
11 Sim
12 P Cut
13 T Cup
14 Piano
15 Dunken

16 Evolve

17 Autumn
18 Twelve
19 Smile (Door station))
20 Flightzone
21 Waste
22 Green Tea

23 Try Better

24 Carousel

25 Classic Ring

26 Fountain

27 Alarm 1 (msg prio high)

28 Alarm 2

29 Alarm 3
30 Alarm 4
31 Alarm 5
32 Alarm 6

33 Doorbell

34 DR1

35 DR2 (msg prio low changed with SW11)

36 DR3 (msg prio medium changed with SW11 )

37 DR4

38 DR5

The Line ID is needed when you want provisioning the ringtones.

Distinctive ringLine ID before SW 2.26Line ID with SW 2.26 or higherDefault ringtones
GroupN.A.0x02Tone One
OptionalN.A.0x05Step to B
Msg prio lowN.A.0x09DR2 -> changed to 8 Set in SW11
Msg prio mediumN.A.0x10DR3 -> changed to 02 Memo in SW11
Msg prio highN.A.0x11Alarm1

In the following example we have created an ringtone named audiofile.722 using the external tool.

In the provisioning file we first upload the audio file before we assign it to the internal melody, else the assignment will not work if the audio file is not in the handset.

Dependent on the distinctive ring setting in the Nx70 the ringtone for the External line has to be configured using external_calls_ringer_melody or ringer_melody_line_1 when we configured both then the setting distinctive ring has no influence, it will both work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="Gsdecthx">


<resource_file type="sounds" crc="0xFFFF" url="" />

<!-- crc is not used -->



        <param name="internal_calls_ringer_melody" value="audiofile" />
        <param name="external_calls_ringer_melody" value="07 Super 4" />
        <param name="ringer_melody_line_1" value="07 Super 4" />

<!-- line_ID number can be found in the table above -->



  • No labels