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Alarming systems can connect to our Nx70 via the MQTT protocol.

This MQTT interface will be License and Password protected.

Since software 2.35, the MQTT interface is available for starting the first tests. It is not protected by a license but you need to enable it via auto-provisioning.

How to enable the application server web-page

You need to create the provisioning file below and start provisioning (Can be done via the web-interface)

Enable MQTT web-page via provisioning

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">


<oper name="set_webui_visibility">

<param name="menu.settings/online-services/application-servers" value="visible" />



After the provisioning, the Application Servers page is now visible.

FAQ Nx70 - Application servers (Hidden)

Create an Account for an Application server

You now can create an application server access.

  • Id: id for external clients are: "as1", "as2" ...
  • Application server name (username) (At least one character is needed)
  • Password (has to be at least 32 characters using hexadecimal digits only: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F)

FAQ Nx70 - Application servers (Hidden)

Add MQTT client via provisioning

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">


<oper name="set_external_client">

<param name="Username" value="as1" />
<param name="Password" value="123456789012345678901234567890ab" />




The following test environment is used for the documentation.

environment is used.

Ubuntu preparation

First we installed the mosquitto client: sudo apt install mosquitto-clients

Host file:

Add the N870 to your host file. (/etc/hosts)       localhost       Int-VirtualBox int-589ec60e71c0

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
Location service

With the following command you can ask for the location information from the handset with IPUI 029e74a599

sudo mosquitto_pub -u as1 --psk-identity as1 --psk 123456789012345678901234567890ab -t 'as1/location/ipui/029e74a599/req/position' -m '{"msgId":"pos_2","params":{"ipui":"029e74a599","mode":"dps"}}' -p 8884 -h int-589ec60e71c0 
  • "as1" proper external_client id
  • "123456789012345678901234567890abEEEE" proper external client password
  • "{}" inside You can specify the message
  • "8884" messages can be only sent on port 8884

You can so the same using the SIP ID instead of the IPUI

sudo mosquitto_pub -u as1 --psk-identity as1 --psk 123456789012345678901234567890ab -t 'as1/location/sip_id/1023/req/position' -m '{"msgId":"pos_2","params":{"sip_id":"1023","mode":"dps"}}' -p 8884 -h int-589ec60e71c0 

The following answer is received using the IPUI

In the answer below the handset was connected to DM2 and there was no synchronization between DM2 and DM1. 

The DECT handset is only able to see BSs from all synchronized cluster it is in sync with. Cluster may be synced within DM range and/or inter DM.

As it is not synchronized with DM1, you do not see the bases from DM1.

Location request using IPUI
as1/location/ipui/029e74a599/req/position {

Positive response


In the answer below the handset was connected to DM1 and there was synchronization between DM2 and DM1. 

The DECT handset is  able to see BSs from all synchronized cluster it is in sync with.

Therefore you can see now 3 base stations in the respond.

Location request using IPUI
as1/location/ipui/029e74a599/req/position {
Positive response
  • No labels