For demonstration and test purposes, we have created an tool based on opensource software. We as Gigaset take no responsibility for this tool.

This tool is using the opensource software Node-RED.

  1. Node-RED installation
  2. Prepare the cordless system
  3. Node-RED configuration
  4. Upload the icons
  5. Node-RED layout
  6. Send a message
  7. Location request
  8. Debugging

1. Installation of Node-RED

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Via the open-source program Node-RED we have created an graphical tool to simulate an Message/Location server.

  1. Install Node_RED on your
    1. Windows PC
    2. Linux PC
    3. Raspberry PI
  2. Open the Node_RED webinterface: http://<IP address>:1880
  3. Install the node-red-dashboard (Web-interface), Settings- Manage palette - Palette - install - "node-red-dashboard"
  4. Install the node-red base 64 (Display icons): Settings- Manage palette - Palette - install - "node-red-node-base64"
  5. Install the node-red-contrib-ui-artless-gauge: Settings- Manage palette - Palette - install - "node-red-contrib-ui-artless-gauge"
  6. Install the node-red-contrib-input-split: Settings- Manage palette - Palette - install - "node-red-contrib-input-split"
  7. Install the node-red-contrib-ui-led: Settings- Manage palette - Palette - install - "node-red-contrib-ui-led"

2. Prepare the cordless system

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  1. Install an N670 or N870 device
  2. Upgrade this device to the latest software version
  3. Enable the MQTT interface using the following provisioning template (Click here to download the file)
    Go to: SETTINGS - System - Provisioning and configuration - Browse
    Select the above provisioning file: AMLdemo.xml
    Click on Upload
    Click on Start auto configuration

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">
    <oper name="set_external_client">
    	<param name="Username" value="as1" />
    	<param name="Password" value="123456789012345678901234567890aB" />
    <oper name="set_uci">
    	<param name="mosquitto.listener.enabled" value="1" />
  4. Take one of the following DECT handset: 

    1. SL800H
    2. R700H
    3. S700H
  5. Upgrade the handset to the latest official software release via quicksync 
  6. Register this handset
  7. License: For testing there is always one license in the system, enable the Location and Messaging option for this handset
    Edit the handset setting and on the bottom of the page you have the license options
  8. Make sure the handset has an SIP account

3. Node-RED configuration

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1. Download the following Node-RED configuration (json) file: 

2. Download the icons:

3. Open de Node-RED configuration interface: http://<IP address>:1880

4. In Node-Red click on and then Import

Import the json file that you downloaded in step 1

If the system informs you that a node already exist, click on Import copy

5. In Node-Red, click on Deploy

6. The next step is to configure the MQTT interface with the Nx70

Open the Node-Red web-interface http://<IP address>:1880/ui

Open the node MQTT Send Message that can be found on the TAB: Gigaset AML messaging demo

7. MQTT Publish topic:

You need to define the MQTT topic, use the same settings like described.

  • Topic: as1/msg/xxl/msgsrv/req/setMsg


8. MQTT Broker settings.

Click on edit  to configure the MQTT Broker

  • Server: the IP address of the Nx70
  • Port: 8886
  • Connect automatically : Yes
  • Use TLS: Yes
  • Protocol: MQTT V3.1.1
  • Client ID: as1


9. Security

On the security tab, add your Nx70 application server username and password:

  • Username: as1
  • Password: 123456789012345678901234567890aB

Confirm your changes


10. After this the MQTT node should be able to connect to your Nx70


11. You can start sending the first message, open the web-interface http://<IP address PC with Node-RED>:1880/ui 

4. Upload the icons

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This tool shows also the icons you can see on your handset, for this the icons have to be uploaded to the PC running Node-RED.

The function node "function" that can be found on the TAB: Gigaset AML messaging demohas the location the icons are stored on your PC.

Unzip the file containing the icons to the directory.

On my system, they are in the C:\logo directory

5. Node-RED layout

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You can adopt the layout to your whishes, here the settings used in the example:

Click on the  and select Dashboard - Theme

  • Style: Dark
  • Colour: #F76200

6. Send a Message

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  1. In Node-RED use the Priority slider to select the Priority
  2. Enter the SIP ID (Username) of the DECT handset
  3. All message options, text, icons can be set using all the options available in the web-interface
  4. Click on SEND MESSAGE

7. Location request

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4. Open the Node-RED webinterface: http://<IP address>:1880/ui and click on and select "Gigaset AML Location demo"

5. Enter the handset SIP-ID and click on "Request Location information" to get the DECT and BLE beacons back.

Please remember:

  • Use the R700H / S700H / SL800 to get BLE beacon information
  • Bluetooth must be enabled on the handset to get BLE information
  • Handset must have the location license enabled to get DECT and/or BLE information

8. Debugging

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After pressing SEND MESSAGE nothing happens

Please check:

  • MQTT node in Node-RED must show the green LED, if not check the settings in the cordless and in Node-RED
  • Wrong SIP-ID, check the installed handset SIP-ID (Username)
  • Handset messaging option is not enabled
  • There is no messaging license
  • Wrong handset or old handset software

Message is send but icons are not displayed or show "I" icon

Please check:

  • Wrong handset or old handset software
  • Re-register the used handset as during register the capabilities are communicated

  • No labels