Valid for:





Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator

Valid for N670 / N870 / N870E, but not supported by N610.

The messaging and location feature can be enabled/disabled via:

  • Web-interface
  • Auto-provisioning


A license is needed, else it can not be enabled.


From software version 2.51 or higher, the messaging and location license can be managed via the web-interface.

Go to: SETTINGS - Mobile devices - Administration - Edit

  • If the DECT handset does not support one of these features, it will not be visible
  • If you have no unused licenses available, it will be grayed out

In the handset overview you can see if a license is activated for an handset via an icon:

  • Location license is enabled:
  • Messaging license is enabled:


Via the following provisioning example, the location and/or messaging feature can be enabled.

In this example we change enable the feature for the handset with IPUI "035edb3a92".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">


<!-- <oper name="set_hs_aml" value="@"> -->

<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="035edb3a92">

<param name="LocationAML" value="1"/>
<param name="MessagingAML" value="1"/>



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