
The BroadWorks Xtended Services (Xsi) are a set of application programming interfaces supporting the integration of BroadWorks functions with the Maxwell devices like:

  • Phone book(s)
  • Call logs




The Broadsoft XSI server URL this has to be the full URL:

<Provider URL>/com.broadsoft.xsi-actions

In the future, the Broadsoft URL "/com.broadsoft.xsi-actions" can change at your provider. Therefore we made this option not fixed but configurable.

SIP AuthenticationUse the XSI login credentials or the SIP credentials. The most used option is SIP Authentication = Yes
UsernameThe XSI username. The XSI username is always part of the SIP Authentication, so this can not be empty.

The XSI password Not needed if SIP Authentication is used. In Broadsoft there is also no placeholder for this parameter so it can not be set via auto provisioning.

Search anywhere in name?When you search in the phone book, this option enables you to search the character anywhere in the name, else it uses the first letter(s).
Auto provisioning

This functionality is mostly enabled via Broadsoft auto provisioning, see below for the provisioning parameters.

Telephony.PhoneSystem.XSI.ServerXSI Server URL
Telephony.PhoneSystem.XSI.SIPAuthentication0 = XSI username and Password 1 = SIP authentication
Telephony.PhoneSystem.XSI.AuthNameXSI Username
Telephony.PhoneSystem.XSI.AuthPasswordXSI Password
Telephony.PhoneSystem.XSI.SearchAnywhereInName.Enabled0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled


<param name="Telephony.PhoneSystem.Type" value="5"/>

<param name="Telephony.PhoneSystem.XSI.SIPAuthentication" value="1"/>

<param name="Telephony.PhoneSystem.XSI.Server" value="%ACCESS_PROTOCOL%%BWDEVICEACCESSFQDN%/com.broadsoft.xsi-actions"/>

<param name="Telephony.PhoneSystem.XSI.AuthName" value="%BWLOGIN-ID-1%"/>

In this example you see that for the XSI Server URL an Broadsoft placeholder is used, this can be different behind every Broadsoft system.

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