Valid for N610 but not supported by N670 / N870 / N870E. Software 2.53 or higher is needed.

If in a business environment more DECT coverage is needed, the best solution is to create an (Mini) multicell solution. A multicell offers more reliability, stability and parallel calls then a repeater solution.

If in some cases, a repeater solution is enough, the N610 supports unencrypted repeaters.

Repeater functionality:

  • Up to 6 repeaters in star arrangement
  • Connection is unencrypted
  • 2 narrowband calls in extended DECT range
  • Activation via provisioning

N670 and N870 do not support repeaters, for the N670/N870 (mini) multi-cell is available. 


Following provisioning file does apply RPN=1 to all base stations of a system. In singlecell system, to the one and only local base.

(warning) DO NOT apply following provisioning file to any N670/N870/N870E.

How to use provisioning file to enable transparent repeater operation:

  • Provisioning is not atomic!
  • Wildcard-provisioning even more is not atomic!
  • Some settings depend on the other!

So the fully safe procedure to apply this provisioning file is to apply the provisioning twice:

  1. It is recommended to save a backup before applying the following provisioning step.
  2. Upload this provisioning file via web-ui.
  3. "Start auto configuration", should be successful, confirm by OK!
  4. Repeat step 3 - "Start auto configuration", should be successful, confirm by OK!
  5. Reboot the device. 

Provisioning using wildcard "@" <param name="ConfirmedBaseStations.@.ucRpnIndex" value="0x1" /> then mostly 2 * provisioning has to be started.

Provisioning using device MAC address (<param name="ConfirmedBaseStations.589ec67c257a.ucRpnIndex" value="0x1" />) then one time provisioning is enough.

Provisioning template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provisioning version="1.1" productID="e2">
        <!-- ATTENTION: DO NOT apply this provisioning xml to N670/N870 system!!! It will break your N670/N870 system-->

<!-- Provisioning is not atomic! ===========================================
 Provisioning is not atomic!
 Wildcard-provisioning even more is not atomic!
 Some settings depend on the other!
 So the fully safe procedure to apply this provisioning file is to apply the provisioning twice:
 1. Upload this provisioning file via web-ui.
 2. "Start auto configuration", should be successful, confirm by OK!
 3. "Start auto configuration", should be successful, confirm by OK!
 4. Reboot the device.
        <param name="dm.local.LocalBaseRpn" value="1"/>
        <param name="ConfirmedBaseStations.@.ucRpnIndex" value="0x1" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->

<!-- MAC address in lower case, without ':' separator =======================
If you want to prevent wildcard provisioning, 
you need to give the MAC address of the local base,
without ':' separators and in lower case letters:
        <param name="dm.local.LocalBaseRpn" value="1"/>
        <param name="ConfirmedBaseStations.589ec6123456.ucRpnIndex" value="0x1" />
======================================================================== -->
        <param name="DmGlobal.0.DECTCipherDisable" value="1" />
        <param name="DmGlobal.0.DECTEnhancedEncryption" value="0" />
        <param name="DmGlobal.0.DECTCfSettings" value="0x00" />
        <param name="DmGlobal.0.DECTBlindslots" value="0x0aaa" />
        <param name="DmGlobal.0.WidebandEnabled" value="0" />
        <param name="DmGlobal.0.DECTDSAA2" value="0" />

Examples of provisioning files

Connect the repeater

When the above is done, the next step is to connect the repeater.

  • Open the web-interface of the N610.
  • Go to SETTINGS - Mobile devices - Registration Centre and click on Start now
  • Set the repeater in registration mode FAQ Repeater - Registration
  • All is successful when on the repeater, the left LED is constantly green
How to check in Web-UI and with handset MMI?

DECT Settings → DECT Encryption, early Encryption and re-keying is disabled to support transparent repeater operation.

Telephony → Audio → Wideband Support must stay deactivated to support transparent repeater operation:

With a handset you could check the RPN in the RFP-Scan procedure

Open the dial window via long-press SEND button.

If your repeater is registered, you would see one or multiple results (depends on number of registered repeaters within DECT range).


1: One repeater is registered:

  • N610: RPN ends with '1' or '9'
  • Repeater: RPN ends with "2..7' or 'a..f'

2: Repeater support is deactivated

  • N610: RPN ends with '0' or '8'
    FPN=a6 RPN=00 RSSI=38

3: Repeater support is activated

  • N610: RPN ends with '1' or '9'
    FPN=a6 RPN=01 RSSI=38

  • No labels