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The usage of audio files is a central aspect of the telephony inside the Gigaset Fusion. There are system announcements available which can be used, but individual announcements will make it your personal deviceis capable of hosting DECT handsets, DECT repeater (HX), SIP telephones/doorstations and groups. These can be easily added via the available setup wizards.


Table of Contents

titleNetworkGeneral info

General information

The audio files can be edited in the Web-interface in Settings → Telephony → Audio page. Following actions are possible:

  • Record new announcement
  • Upload new announcement
  • Play the announcement (via Fusion loudspeaker)
  • Edit the file-name
  • Delete the announcement

wizards for adding devices or groups are very similar, but do differentiate in some settings. DECT handsets, SIP telephones and groups can be added via Phone- and Web-interface.

The SIP doorstation and DECT repeater setup is only possible via the Web interfaceIt is recommended to create a plan what kind of announcements are required for call divert rules, answering machines and the IVR. That makes it much easier, as then the recordings can be done all at once.


The PC port is not operable when Fusion is connected only via WiFi to the networkSIP doorstations can only be added via the Web interface, due to the additional informations required for the video stream, etc.

titleLAN connectionDECT handset

DECT handset

Add new handset

For adding a new DECT handset, the admin can start the wizard via the Phone- or Web-interface.

What is editable during the wizard?

After the successful pairing (PIN is shown in the user interface during process), the following settings can be configured:

  • Name of the DECT handset (presented in idle screen of the handset)
  • Internal number of the handset. By default the next free available number is used)
  • Outgoing connection
  • Incoming connection(s)
  • MWI notification (optional)


In the overview all important infos are presented. If multiple incoming lines are selected, the numbers are listed under each other.

It might happen, that the firmware is not presented. If the connected handset is capable of SUOTA (Software Update Over The Air), it can take up to 24h until the correct information is presented here.

Edit handset

All necessary settings can be edited later on in the Web interface device details.

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Name of the DECT handset, which is presented in the idle screen of the handset and used in communication between the internal devices. Due to the different screen size, it is recommended to use short names, otherwise the names in the handset might be cut. The name is also used in the call-lists of the Fusion.

Internal Number

The internal number used for communication inside the system. The device is reachable under this number. Each internal number also has an own call divert setting. The internal number can be changed. It takes a couple of seconds, until the system is correctly synchronized.

Product name

The product name can't be edited. This is a fixed name. It is also possible to start a replacement of the device here, in case the handset is broken and needs to be replaced. Only the DECT registration will be removed from the system, the rest of the configuration and assignments will be kept.

Number Assignment

The administrator can change here the number assignment(s) for the DECT handset. The default outgoing line and the listening incoming lines can be selected.
Only the numbers are available for incoming lines, which are not yet assigned to other groups or IVRs.

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Message configuration

A DECT handset can only be configured with one MWI notification. Multiple selections are not possible. New voicemail messages for the according mailbox will be signalized on the handset via the MWI-button and a display message. In order to access the correct voicemailbox, the correct VM-number needs to be programmed as Net-AM-number into the handset (e.g. **81).

titleSIP telephone

SIP telephone

Add new SIP telephone

For adding a new SIP telephone, the admin can start the wizard via the Phone- or Web-interface.

What is editable during the wizard?

  • Name of the SIP telephone
  • Internal number of the handset. By default the next free available number is used.
  • SIP authentication name
  • SIP authentication password. Hints for password security are given during editing.
  • Doorstation support (optional, separate description below)
  • Outgoing connection
  • Incoming connection(s)
  • MWI notification (optional)


In the overview all important infos are presented. If multiple incoming lines are selected, the numbers are listed under each other.


The SIP username is automatically set to the internal number of the device!

Edit SIP telephone

After creation of the SIP telephone, the admin can edit all details via the Web interface.

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Name of the SIP device, which is used in the call-lists of the Fusion.

Internal Number / Username

The internal number used for communication inside the system. The device is reachable under this number. Each internal number also has an own call divert setting. The internal number can be changed. It takes a couple of seconds, until the system is correctly synchronized if the setting is changed.
The internal number is also used as the SIP username for the registration to the internal Mini-PBX.

Authentication Password

The authentication password can be individually defined by the administrator, but due to security reasons, following rules must be applied to the password:

  • Minimum length of 8 characters
  • Minimum one lower and upper case letter a-z, A-Z
  • Minimum one digit 0-9
  • Minimum one special character & +_ # * " ' - / \ = % $ ~ ^ . , ? ! : ; | ( ) < > [ ] { }

Authentication Name

The authentication name can be individually defined.

Number Assignment

The administrator can change here the number assignment(s) for the SIP device. The default outgoing line and the listening incoming lines can be selected.
Only the numbers are available for incoming lines, which are not yet assigned to other groups or IVRs.

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Message configuration

A SIP device can only be configured with one MWI notification. Multiple selections are not possible. New voicemail messages for the according mailbox will be signalized on the device via the MWI-button and a display message (depends on device-type). In order to access the correct voicemailbox, the correct VM-number needs to be programmed as Net-AM-number into the device(e.g. **81).


Record new announcement

Recording a new announcement can be triggered on several occasions on the Fusion, e.g. it is possible during the setup of the IVR or answering machine to record a personal announcement. In most cases, the announcements are recorded via the telephony audio menu. In the Web-interface the admin can select also the recording-device.

Once the recording is started it is required to end the recording by pressing '#' on your keypad (or 'Done' on the Fusion display). The recording is directly listed in the announcements-list with a timestamp.

Edit announcement name
In order to remember the content of the audio recording it is higly recommended to edit the file-name directly after recording!

It is also possible to upload existing audio files to the Fusion. Supported are MP3, OGG, WAV files.


Announcements can only be deleted, when they're not in use in an answering machine, call divert rule or IVR.

Audio page overview:

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Upload and recording options:

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Instructions after started recording:

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Overview with new audio file:

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Edit mode:

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Error message when trying to delete announcement which is already in use:

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titleWi-Fi connectionGroups


Add new group

For adding a new group, the admin can start the wizard via the Phone- or Web-interface.

What is editable during the wizard?

  • Name of the ringing group (used also for call signalization)
  • Internal number of the group
  • Ringing strategy (linear or parallel ringing)
  • Ringing time (only in Web interface when linear is selected)
  • Active devices
  • Order of devices (in case of linear strategy were selected)
  • Outgoing connection
  • Incoming connection(s)


Only lines which are not used by other devices, groups or IVRs are offered during setup.


In the overview all important infos are presented. If the group contains multiple members, they are listed under each other.

Edit group

All necessary settings can be edited later on in the Web interface group details.

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Group Name

Name of the ringing group, which is used in communication between the internal devices. The name is also used in the call-lists of the Fusion.

Internal Number

The internal number used for communication inside the system. The group is reachable under this number. Each internal number also has an own call divert setting. The internal number can be changed. It takes a couple of seconds, until the system is correctly synchronized.

Ringing Strategy

The ringing strategy will determine if the active devices will all ring in parallel or linear (one after each other). In case of linear, the order of the ringing can be configured in the active devices list. This is only possible in the web interface.

Ringing time

In case the ringing strategy were configured with linear, it is important to set the order of active members correctly. This can be done in the wizards or the Web interface. In the Web interface, this is done via drag'n'drop feature: click on the 2 dots on the left side and move the device to the right position. The incoming call is always using the same order, starting with the first entry. If a personal call divert is active for a device, the call will be diverted for the ringing time. If the call was not answered, the original call is going to be signalized at the next device.

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Number Assignment

The administrator can change here the number assignment(s) for the group. The default outgoing line and the listening incoming lines can be selected.
Only the numbers are available, which are not yet assigned to other devices, groups or IVRs.

titleDECT Repeater HX

DECT Repeater HX

Add new repeater

For adding a new DECT repeater, the admin can start the wizard via the Web-interface.

What is editable during the wizard?

After the successful pairing (PIN is shown in the user interface during process), the following settings can be configured:

  • Name of the DECT Repeater (only used in the overview)


In the overview the repeaters are listed with their name

It might happen, that the firmware is not presented. We are working on a solution here.

Edit repeater

In the details only the name can be edited.


It is recommended to use a name to recognize where the repeater is located, e.g. Storage room 1st floor.

Music on Hold

By default a Gigaset music is played, when a user is put on hold by an internal user.
For individualization, it is possible to upload an individual Music on Hold file to the system.

It is possible to upload multiple MP3 files with the total maximum amount of 10MB.

The files are played after each other and always starting at the first file.

Web-interface MoH settings, Default Gigaset MoH:

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Web-interface Upload dialogue:

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Web-interface uploaded individual Music on Hold:

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