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Embedded Integrator

Virtual Integrator

Migration to Virtual Integrator

How to Migrate an existing multicell to an Virtual Integrator.


You can add every N870 multicell installation to an virtual integrator but if you did not prepare the system during installation, that the DECT PARI is the same. For these systems where the DECT PARI was different the DECT handsets needs to be registered manually again.

The system will use the DECT PARI of the Virtual Integrator and if the DECT PARI changes, the DECT handsets needs to be Registered again.

See here how to prepare an N870 Multisite system during installation to be added later to an Virtual Integrator. FAQ - How to prepare one DECT manager installations to be added later to Virtual integrator

Export the base station and handset configuration

Export the base station configuration.

In the web-interface go to: SETTINGS - Base stations - Administration.

Select all DECT base stations and click on Export. Save the file to your PC.

Export the DECT handset configuration.

In the web-interface go to: SETTINGS - Mobile devices - Administration.

Select all Mobile devices and click on Export. Save the file to your PC.

  1. Install the Virtual integrator.
  2. Change the role of the DECT Manager + Integrator + Base (Optional) to DECT Manager + Base (Optional)
  3. Integrator: Add the DECT managers to the Integrator config, see item 1.
  4. DECT manager: Configure the Integrator, see item 1.
  5. Import the DECT base station export into the Integrator. SETTINGS - Base stations - Administration - Import

  6. Import the Mobile devices export into the Integrator. SETTINGS - Mobile devices - Administration - Import

  7. Set-up the Base station synchronisation Hierarchy.
  8. If necessary, set up cross-cluster synchronisation via DECT manager synchronisation.

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