Online update:

The firmware is online available, last firmware version online is the Release 75. Newer firmware versions can be uploaded manually, using the URL provided in the release notes.

You can easily initiate the update by three steps: 

Prerequisite: The phone is connected to the Internet.

Via the Handset:
  1. Menu  »  Settings  »  System  »  Update Firmware
  2. Enter base station system PIN (default setting: 0000)
  3. Press the display key "Yes" to start the download

If your firmware is already up to date, the handset will inform you. No action is needed then.

Via the webpage:

  1. Settings  » Management  » Firmware update

Manual update:

Via the webpage:

  1. Settings  » Management  » Firmware update
  2. Enter the URL for the new firmware in the User defined firmware file: field
  3. Click on the button: Update firmware


Firmware 42.192



Firmware 42.081

Firmware 42.078







Firmware 42.076

Firmware 42.075