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Anmeldung des DX800A/Gigaset FUSION am Swisscom Router Centro Business 2.0/3.0

Default Werte des Router

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FAQ Fusion Link :

-Installations Guide

-Handbuch Wie Einrichten auf dem FUSION!

-DECT Mobilteile Anmelden

NEU 27 Feb 2018! Gewisse Automatische Vermittler, "Bitte wählen Sie 1 für Deutsch, 2 für Französisch..etc. verstehen RFC2833 nicht und verstehen nur Audio Codec! In diesem Fall stellen Sie auf Codec VoIP Automatisch um!

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RFC2833 muss als DTMF Standard definiert sein. Ausser gewisse Automatische Vermittler die Angerufen werden akteptieren keine Nachwahl - dann stellen Sie auf Automatisch um wie im oberen Beispiel.

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NEU seit März 2022 / Einfügen des Codecs G729! Gewisse Nummern können nicht gewählt werden! Codec G711 a law + NEU den G729 hinzufügen wie unten im Bsp. Meistens sind es Anrufe von Swisscom zu Sunrise Nummern die Gebietsabhängig sind.

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Inbetriebnahme des DX800A an Swisscom Centro Business / Mise en service DX800A avec Swisscom PME Office

Settings with DX800A with Swisscom Centro Business Router!


Umleitung kann nur über den Service Code eingeschaltet/ausgeschaltet werden, und nicht über die Umleitfunktion des DX800A Menu!!
zB. *21<nummer># Umleitung aktiv
mit #21 Umleitung deaktivieren

Outgoing CallsYes
Incoming CallsYes
CLIP incomingYes
CLIP outgoingYes
Call ForwardingYes
Call TransferYes *21
Call WaitingYes
Anonymous CallYes
A-number forwardingYes







Gigaset T440/T640 PRO settings.

For entering a new SIP trunk into the PBX, you need some steps:

  1. Adding a new Gateway group
  2. Adding a new SIP gateway
  3. Defining the inbound routes (assignment of number to extension)
  4. Defining the outbound routes

Let's assume our SIP trunk contains the following numbers:








Gateway Group

In the Gigaset PBX go to "Administration" - "Routes" - "Gateway groups" enter a name for the new group and click on: Create new group

In the Gateway group you have to define the Outbound Caller ID, the Inbound DIDs (how the number is forwarded to the Inbound routes) and the Inbound caller ID (number presentation of external caller).

In addition you can permit here inbound calls in general for this gateway group.




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Example of Aarenet VoIP trunk gateway group settings.


Outbound caller ID

As just the last digit of the trunk number block is changing, you can select just the last digit (in brackets) and put it into the variable $1.

As the provider wants the signalling number in the format (country-code)(city-code)(number), you have to enter this number into the next line (here: 0441234567$1, where the $1 represents the changing part).

For external calls, we will present e.g. 04412345678 to the provider, and he will take care about the correct representation to the called party.

Asserted Identity

These fields are used specially for external forwardings. For Aarenet VoIP Trunk, you can use the same settings as for the Outbound caller ID.

Inbound DIDs

For incoming calls, you can use the regular expression, generated by the setup assistant. In your case you would have to adjust the city-code and the pilot-number, according to your line-settings.




Inbound caller ID

For incoming calls, we will forward the external number of the caller "as-is" to the phone (e.g. 044987654321). This number can then be used from the call-lists for re-dialling.


This field will be empty when you create this Gateway group. It will show later the assigned SIP gateways.

Settings to change/modify on your Router from Swisscom / Im Centro Business unter VoIP auf die Telefonnummer gehen und ändern drücken.

SIP Credentials auslesen um in den DX800A einzugeben:

  1. SIP Benutzername = Ihre Telefonummer zB. +41561234567
  2. Passwort ansehen, ich empfehle gleich ein Passwort selbst zu vergeben und speichern.
  3. Anleitung befolgen für weitere Einstellungen
  4. NEU ab Sept.2017 – > RFC 2833 Einstellen beim DX800A änderung von Dok V3
  5. NEU ab 1 Feb. 2018 Codec auf nur G711 a law umstellen weil gewisse Nummern nicht gewählt werden können, meistens von SUNRISE . anderung Dok V4


Konfiguration DX800A & Gigaset Fusion an Centro Business 2.0/3.0

  • Default IP Adresse Router Centro Business

  • SIP Credentials im Router entnehmen / VoIP / Telefonnummer

  • Gigaset Fusion IP via Webbrowser

  • DX800A IP Adresse Menu-Einstellungen-Lokales Netzwerk

NEU / Nouvelle 16.1.2023 Anleitung Gigaset Fusion an Centro Business 2.0/3.0

Anleitung Gigaset FUSION  Schritt für Schritt in Deutsch Version 1
View file
nameEinrichten Gigaset FUSION FX800W inOne KMU office_Version 1.pdf

NOUVELLE 16.1.2023 Instruction FUSION Swisscom Centro Business 2.0+3.0
Mise en Service Gigaset FUSION avec le Centro Business en Francais Version 1

View file
nameInstruction Gigaset FUSION FX800W@ inOne PME office_Version 1.pdf

DX800A ANLEITUNG März 2022 Version 5
Anleitung DX800A Schritt für Schritt in Deutsch

View file
nameBeschreibung DX800 @ inOne KMU office_Version 5.pdf

DX800A Instruction a partir de Mars 2022 Version 5
Mise en Service DX800A avec le Centro Business en Francais

View file
nameInstruction DX800 @ inOne PME office_Version 5.pdf

Nouveau 27 Fév 2018! Certains Automatique Attendant. "S'il vous plait sélectionner 1 pour l'allemand, 2 pour le francais..etc. accepte pas le Code DTMF RFC 2833. Dans ce cas, change svp le Codec sur Automatique.

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RFC2833 DTMF Code dois etre choisi come le default Codec. Seulement ci vous appeler certains Automatique Repondeur qui comprendre pas "la procedure "presse 1 pour l'allemand etc. Dois etre changer ver le valeur automatique du codec VoIP.

Image Added

NOUVELLE a partir de Mars 2022/ Ajouter aussi le Codec G729.Certains numéro en peux le pas appeler! Changez le Codec sur G711 a law + ajouter le G729. Dans ce cas s'agire des appeler de Swisscom vers Sunrise.

Image Added







SIP gateway

In the Gigaset PBX go to "Administration" - "Routes" - "SIP gateways" enter a name for the new gateway and click on: Create new gateway

The SIP gateway contains all necessary data for the registration and dial command and how the number is delivered to/from the provider.

Just enter or choose the values according to your contract or VoIP trunk data you received from the provider.




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Example of Aarenet VoIP trunk gateway settings 1/2.


Example of Aarenet VoIP trunk gateway settings 2/2.






Use here the SIP-Server / Registrar (received by Aarenet). In this case an IP-address is used.


The tests were performed with the the same IP-address as used in the Registrar field, followed by ';lr' , which means "loose-routing".


Enter here the Username (Benutzername) you have received by Aarenet.


Enter here the Password (Passwort) you have received by Aarenet.

Dial command

The dial command is the command which is used in the asterisk software. The term {number}  means, that the number (e.g. 04455007000) is dialled as entered. If you use a line access code (in most cases '0' is used), you have to add ':1' after "number".


Select here the previously created gateway group.

Update remote party ID or P-Asserted-Identitiy (CLIP)

These settings can be left on the default setting (no - Deactivated)

From Domain

Enter here the Domain/Realm delivered by Aarenet. You can use the same value as used for the Registrar.

T38 support

In order to have a better fax-support for fax-machines, connected to the FXS ports please deactivate this option.

All tested scenarios were ok with this parameter deactivated.






Inbound routes

In the Gigaset PBX go to "Administration" - "Routes" - "Inbound routes" select the correct Gateway group and press Show.

In addition it is advised to activate the advanced options by clicking it to 'ON' and then pressing Show.




Example of Aarenet VoIP trunk Inbound routes.




Enter here a name for the according rule.

Date / Weekdays / Time

With these settings you can configure a time-controlled routing to different targets.

Pattern / Target

In the pattern you define which part of the incoming number is used to forward the call to the according extension.

In our example we receive already the correct extension from the gateway group. Therefore no further number-manipulation is necessary.

When the PBX finds an according extension it will route the call to it.

But you can add here exceptions from this rule, for example for internal fax users or waiting queues, etc.



Outbound routes

In the Gigaset PBX go to "Administration" - "Routes" - "Outbound routes" activate the Advanced options by clicking it to 'ON' and then pressing Show.





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Example of Aarenet VoIP trunk Outbound routes.




Enter here a name for the according rule.

Date / Weekdays / Time

With these settings you can configure a time-controlled routing.



Remark: For calling anonymous to external parties, use the CLIR-setting in the HOME screen of the user!


Fax support

Following table shows you the current state (09.03.2017) of supported fax constellations. These results are without a guarantee. Due to different end-devices, configuration of PBX or other settings the fax transmission might fail. More info about fax via VoIP networks can be found here.



Internal FXSInternal T38-FaxExternal SW-FaxExternal machine-Fax
Internal FXS------OK* / NOK**OK* / NT**
Internal T38-Fax------OK* / NOK**OK* / NT**
External SW-FaxOK* / NOK**OK* / NOK**------
External machine-FaxOK* / NT**OK* / NT**------

Used devices or services:

Canon Fax-L100 (internal FXS), (external SW-Fax), Triumph Adler DCC 2725 (external machine-Fax)

* = T38 option in SIP gateway deactivated

** = T38 option in SIP gateway activated
